Sushi and I have a fabulous relationship.
I even got a job at a sushi bar here in Scottsdale.
I thought all my sushi dreams were coming true.
Chat up the chefs, get tips on making sushi, eat sushi, meet other sushi lovers, and have them tip me really well for my perhaps over enthusiastic approach to the menu.
(That's dessert sushi. Intriguing.)
But, alas, a week in I called it quits.
Which was a big deal for me.
In just a thought: the workplace just wasn't good.
The company, the employees, the bar, the atmosphere.
Just not Brenna.
In the least.
To pull the religious card - it really wasn't a comfortable place for me to be.
And I'm all about keeping that comfort with me.
Slight battle, quick resolution. I quit.
It couldn't have gone better - the manager was understanding
(sounded like someone had quit for these reasons before)
and I felt like a million bucks walking out of there.
I felt so rich in fact, that I went shopping.
Two skirts later,
and I'm looking for another job.
I'm glad you are being true to what is "Brenna" and aren't in a bad work environment. On another note, I really want to eat sushi with you!