Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dogs and Dog Owners

It's an interesting relationship. 

to say the least.

I'm happy to say I'm staring to feel like one of the pack. 

Here in AZ, I have full access to Abigail's doggie Sophia. 
She's an Italian Greyhound. 

I had a ton of free time,
so Sophie and I would go running every day, play in the backyard, crash on the couch...
It's been great.
I have since gotten a new part time job 
(more to come on that later!)
but as an ode to Sophia and all crazy dogs and dog owners,
here is an embarrassing display of photos Sophie and I took one afternoon. 

You'll have to forgive me. 

Brenna and Sophia
Matching Expressions 

How did I do?

It's harder than it looks.


Are you laughing yet?


I want to say she made the face below because of the camera's flash. 
Although she often gives me that look. 

Show's over. 
Crazy dog lady and her dog are going away now. 
But you gotta admit...

It was fun!

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